
Border Security​

GM Afcon’s advanced perimeter security system has been successfully implemented along the borders of Israel and other countries around the world. The system can be mounted on above- or below-ground barriers, detecting any cutting or climbing of fences, breaking through walls, as well as underground tunneling. It produces precise, real-time detection and notification of intrusions to the level of each sensor. In this way, perimeter protection becomes more accurate, with the operation of the security forces focused on real alerts while reducing wasted time and resources on false alarms.

Military Bases

For many years, military bases have attracted break-in attempts for the purpose of stealing weapons and various means of warfare. GM Afcon’s advanced perimeter security system is the equivalent of having an electronic guard every 6 meters along the fence, on or next to key facilities, providing real-time alerts of a potential intruder and transmitting that signal to the control room. The ability to receive information from a specific sensor along an extensive perimeter ensures the quick and precise directing of forces to the exact location of the break-in. GM Afcon won this year’s tender from the Israeli Ministry of Defense and the IDF’s Home Front Command once again, receiving approval to install its systems on military bases across the country.

Protecting Communities

Many outlying towns and farms are vulnerable to attacks and crime, including the theft of equipment, agricultural products or animals, and in some cases, even violence or terrorism. The V-ALERT sensor can be installed not only on fences, but also on essential facilities near the fence. GM Afcon has already installed perimeter security systems like this in dozens of communities across Israel. The company recently received approval from the Ministry of Defense and Israel’s Home Front Command for the use of its systems for the protection of outlying communities.


On the one hand, airports around the world have become a target for terrorists, and on the other hand, are critical to homeland security. The maintenance of protected air routes that enable imports, exports and regular traffic is essential to a country’s independence. An advanced perimeter security solution makes it possible for airports to reduce personnel costs, increase the accuracy of existing systems, and enable maximum overall protection of planes and passengers. The V-ALERT sensor can provide protection along an airport’s entire perimeter, including fencing with dead areas (no line-of-sight), and even in harsh weather conditions such as heavy fog or snow. The company’s systems have been implemented at Oslo Airport, the Spanish Civil Aviation Authority and at other locations around the world.


Above-ground and under water solution

The protection of seaports can be a complex and difficult process. The need for security across in an aquatic environment requires the most advanced electronic detectors. V-ALERT, GM Afcon’s electronic sensor, was developed with advanced technology that provides an effective response in both sea and reservoir environments. With a high degree of resistance to changing weather conditions, including water exposure, the detector can not only be installed on walls and fences around the harbor, but also on installations that are in continual contact with sea water. The V-Alert has completed professional laboratory tests, proving its resistance to moisture and pressure to depths of 100 m underground.

Critical Infrastructure

From water and electricity infrastructure to gas and oil, cellular base stations and antennas and more, various sites of critical importance are in need of constant protection against intruders. GM Afcon’s V-ALERT perimeter security system enables maximum protection for critical infrastructure against intrusions and damage. In Israel, the company implemented the system for Mekorot, the national water company, to guard against threats such as the potential poisoning of the drinking water

Nuclear Power Plants

The use of nuclear power is increasing year after year. But with disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima, it is essential that any possibility of damage to nuclear power stations is mitigated to a virtual zero. Advanced security systems have become essential to guard against any potential intrusions or attacks. Through its enhanced electric fencing and state-of-the-art electronic sensors, GM Afcon’s security-alert system provides maximum protection for nuclear reactors against break-ins and damage. With its sensors capable of being mounted not only on fences but also on critical facilities themselves, safety and security is taken to the next level.

Factories and Warehouses

Factories and associated facilities within them are often spread across extensive areas, making it difficult to maintain the security of the site in a timely and efficient manner. GM Afcon’s perimeter security systems allow constant monitoring, 365 days a year, via its network of V-ALERT detectors installed around the perimeter as well as in critical areas inside the plant. Constant analysis and comparison of the data flow from sensors (every second) enables the controller to easily distinguish between a genuine break-in attempt and a false/nuisance alarm caused by something innocuous like a gust of wind. In this way, the factory or warehouse is given maximum protection, while its operating costs over time are significantly lower compared to older generation detectors that routinely generate false alarms. And within the plant itself, detectors can not only be installed on fences or walls, but also on (or underneath) critical facilities or equipment that are in need of enhanced security.

Banks, Vaults and Safe Rooms

The banking system of each country around the world constitutes a significant part of its economic security. In addition to the threat of cyber attacks, physical attacks on banks are attempted every year, which can cause enormous reputational damage, leading very often to substantial financial damages for the company and economy. GM Afcon offers a unique solution for banking systems, in the form of V-ALERT sensors attached to sensitive locations both within and outside the bank. This includes ATM’s as well as the walls and roofs of bank vaults and safety deposit boxes (for the detection of drilling or tunneling). By transmitting precise data to the bank’s control room on a 24-7 basis, the sensors ensure optimal security across all areas of the bank.

Server Farms and Data Centers

The world has become computerized. As populations grow and technologies become more sophisticated, more and more websites require hosting and maintenance on remote server farms and data centers. These sites must be well secured in order to prevent break-ins, sabotage and theft. GM Afcon’s V-ALERT perimeter security system can monitor remote server farms that operate with no manpower on a year-round basis, thus helping to defend them from attacks by foreign entitie

Correctional Facilities

The need to keep prisons protected against both escapes from the facility as well as smuggling into it requires unique operating methods and the use of sophisticated technologies. GM Afcon’s advanced security system allows V-ALERT sensors to be installed on both the prison’s perimeter fence as well as on floors, walls and rooftops. The system enables real-time monitoring at the control room, day and night, of any attempt to damage prison walls or the perimeter fence. Integration with existing cameras allows the controller to determine the exact location where the intrusion is taking place.

Solar Farms and Alternative Energy Facilities

Many countries are progressively switching to electricity generation via solar and alternative energy sources. These facilities can, at times, be critical to the functioning of entire cities. In order to prevent damage to these remotely located facilities, a perimeter protection system with ongoing 24/7 monitoring is essential. GM Afcon’s V-ALERT sensors can be installed on the perimeter fence and on the solar panels themselves, with any attempted break-in or theft resulting in an immediate alarm notification to the control center. Security personnel can be dispatched to the exact location, thus ensuring full control of the facilities and protection from intruders. GM Afcon’s advanced security systems have been installed at solar and alternative energy sites in Israel and around the world.

Medical cannabis farms

Cannabis is becoming legal in many parts of the world, but there are still countries where it is used legally for medical use by licensed patients. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the cultivation farm from criminals and thieves. GM Afcon’s perimeter security system builds an active security plan for these farms using electric fencing and
V-ALERT detectors deployed in various locations on the farm, including on the solar panels to detect any attempted theft.

VIP Premises

Leaders, dignitaries and celebrities around the world are subject to all manner of threats, including surveillance, blackmail and break-ins. As such, it has become a matter of necessity to create a home defense system that will ensure maximum protection for VIP’s and their families. GM Afcon’s
 V-ALERT sensor can be installed on fences, walls, roofs and floors. In this way, there is constant monitoring of any suspicious movements and break-in attempts. Any alert is immediate received in the control center which, if necessary, sends security personnel to check. With the preciseness of its V-ALERT sensor technology, this advanced security system greatly reduces false alarms, while ensuring peace of mind for all involved.